advocaat Jeffrey Jordan

About us

Jordan Law is a law firm in The Hague
founded by Mr. Jeffrey Jordan.

It is an ambitious firm where our lawyers and employees have specialized in various areas of law including Criminal Law, Immigration Law and Family Law.

We offer you clear and sound legal advice.

You can also expect a critical and honest approach from us. We clearly indicate what we think of your case and stand for openness and transparency. Only in this way can you best estimate your chances and, in good consultation, arrive at a strategy that can achieve the best result for you.


Are you a suspect or have you been summoned?


Have you suffered injury or damage as a result of a crime?


Do you want to apply for a residence permit or has it been withdrawn or refused?


Have you received a decision or an administrative fine? Do you want to file an objection or appeal?


Do you want to divorce or do you want a visitation arrangement with your children? Do you want to receive child support or spousal support or do you have to pay it?


Do you have a legal dispute with a third party?


PLEASE NOTE! We charge a fee for an intake interview.
These must be paid in advance and amount to:

Telephone intake: 150 euros including VAT for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Interview at the office: 300 euros including VAT for a maximum of 60 minutes. See our working method and conditions.

Contact Info

Carolina van Nassaustraat 185

2595 SX Den Haag

Useful links

Legal Aid Board

Legal Helpdesk

Lawyer The Hague - Netherlands

Practice areas:

- Criminal Defense Law                             
- Juvenile Criminal Law
- Weapons and Ammunition Act
- Opium Act
- Immigration Law
- Family Law

2024 © Jordan Law - All rights reserved